About Me

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Westminster, Colorado, United States
I'm an Amatuer Photographer just out there discovering the world around me and trying to share it with others!

Friday, October 29, 2010

In the beginning.....

So Im totally new to this. I never was one for "Dear Diary", which is what this reminds me of, except the world gets to read it. Anywhoooooo here it goes.....

How does one find her talent that she long left behind her after things got too complicated? Behind the view finder of a camera is how!

Once upon a time I painted and drew pretty pictures; mostly renderings. When analyzing what I had before me I couldn't decide where, when or why this talent belonged in the world. Soon as anyone WANTED me to do something for them, my interest in it turned off. How you're supposed to make a career outta that kinda attitude....you tell me. It wasn't something I intentionally did, it just happened.

Up till a couple years ago, my artistic side has been dormant. Moving to Colorado was the best thing I ever did. Hiking in the great outdoors opened my eyes to so many beauties, I just had to take out a camera and capture the memories. My memories soon turned into miracles on film. People thought what I did was something they couldn't do. I didn't think there was anything to it.

I then turned my lens onto people just a few months ago. Not only did people love my pictures they wanted to pay me for my services, I love taking their pictures!

Every person, place or thing gives me a new excitement that I can't really name. And here starts the beginning of my new adventure!